Eight Days ‘Til Christmas

18 Dec

Like many of you, I’m scrambling trying to finalize our Christmas preparations. We’ll be having some family over for Christmas dinner, which I’m preparing, and that needs some planning. The missus is puttering about, changing the Christmas decorations on an average of twice a day… she really gets into Christmas, and is in her element, so I just stay out of her way, and help out when she asks.

I haven’t gotten any of my shopping done yet, but for me, that’s about par for the course. I’ll probably still be looking for at least one gift on the 24th. My daughter is the tough one – at eighteen, her tastes and mine don’t agree much. And I learned a long time ago not to even try to pick out clothes, music or perfume for a teenage girl! I’m still undecided on what to get her, but since we just gave her a car a couple of months ago, I’m not expecting to max out any credit cards.

I find it more difficult each year, to get into the Christmas spirit. My wife plays Christmas caroles throughout the month, and we put the tree up on Dec. 1st, but I still can’t muster the same enthusiasm I used to. Maybe that’s just a normal part of getting older.

For that matter, I don’t have any idea what to get my wife this year, either. Usually, I know what she wants, and I just have to figure out where to find it. This year, she’s not offering any clues at all, and I … well, as usual, I just don’t have a clue!

Anyway, Christmas approaches, and with it, another year will be behind us. I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas, and a prosperous New Year. I look forward to seeing you all back here after the new year begins.

And please… wish someone a Merry Christmas… NOT a happy holiday! It’s Jesus’ birthday, after all!

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